
To enhance the professional development experience, the ASPDC is offering digital badges for individuals who participate in ASPDC events. Learn more about ASPDC badges here

Winter 2023: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Let's parse out what DEI really means. Join us for this series that explores topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion from various points of view.


Event 1: Preparing Students to Thrive in a Diverse World

Wednesday, February 25th | noon - 1pm

How do you prepare students to thrive in a diverse working environment? What skills will position students to succeed in their transition from college to the workplace? How can you help students develop these skills on a daily basis? Join us at the panel discussion to learn more!


  • Shawn Pewitt, Director of Career Services

  • Dr. Lauren Scott, Mike Ilitch School of Business Diversity and Inclusion Program Manager

  • Naabia Roman, WSU Alumna; Operations Association at Stix

  • Jonathan Norris, WSU Alumus; Child Welfare Specialist at Michigan Department of Health & Human Services



Event 2: Effective Communication in Diverse Teams  

Wednesday, March 22nd | Noon - 01:00pm    

How do you foster an environment that centers cultural awareness and belonging? Develop an understanding microaggressions, recognizing and addressing passive aggressive behaviors and how to interrupt them in the workplace. Nuances related to power dynamics and department norms will be addressed.

Facilitated by: Alex Boesch (he/him) | Intercultural Training Director

Please contact Stephanie Hawkes for the recording. This recording is only accessible to registratnts for privacy reasons. 


Event 3: Successes in Action: Peer to Peer Learning Session  

Wednesday, April 12th  | Noon - 01:00pm

The purpose of this event is to explore Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion experiences in the workplace to determine best practices for employee and organizational success.

  • Participants will explore how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) influence policies, practices, and relationships in the workplace.

  • Participants will engage in a reflective dialogue to share DEI experiences as well as best practices for creating a positive, inclusive work environment.

  • Participants will learn how to acquire resources that support DEI initiatives in the workplace.

Facilitated by: Shawntae Harris Mintline | Academic Advisor III, College of Education



  • You can access a recording of the event here
  • Download the presentation slides

Fall 2022: Change and Transition Management 

Event 1: Managing Up: How to Navigate New and Existing Leadership

Wednesday, September 28th | noon - 1pm

Session Presenter: Dr. Ebony Green | Assistant Dean for University Advising, Michigan State University 

Staff play a significant role in supporting managers through transitions. Teams are made up of a variety of leaders, not just the people with specific titles. By learning the elements to Managing Up, staff will gain insight on navigating the expectations of new or existing managers through self-reflection and grace. Participants will explore personal leadership styles and self-reflective skills that will allow them to navigate changes in leadership and increase the cooperation and collaboration of team members at all levels. 


Event Goals/Learning Objectives:

  • To develop skills and techniques to navigate challenging or difficult relationships with new or existing managers.

  • To increase cooperation and collaboration between those who have different power levels and perspectives within your organization.

  • Understand the self-reflection required to engage with new and existing managers


Workshop Resources 

Unfortunately, we were unable to record this event


Event 2: Panel Discussion: The Future of Higher Education

Thursday, November 17th | noon - 1pm 


  • Beverly Schneider, Academic Advisor/Adjunct Faculty, Teacher Education Division 

  • Sabrina Brown, Associate Director of Graduate Programs Enrollment, Belk College of Business 

  • Haley Mulka, Admissions, Schoolcraft College 

The panel discussion will focus on The Future of Higher Education--with a particular focus on issues of especial relevance to academic staff. WSU academic staff as well as higher education professionals from around the country will share their perspective and insights about the direction of higher ed. While this topic is quite broad, we hope this panel discussion may offer thoughtful and actionable takeaways for participants seeking to navigate the changing landscape of higher education.  


The landscape of higher education continues to change. Enrollment, technology, online learning, diminished state funding--what can academic staff expect in the future, and how might they best prepare, participate and lead? In this new emerging landscape of higher education, we hope to initiate a worthwhile discussion by getting the perspective of WSU staff and higher ed professionals from around the country on future issues in higher education. We hope this candid sharing of insights, experiences and perspectives will be beneficial for all attendees.    


Beverly Schneider, Academic Advisor/Adjunct Faculty, Teacher Education Division. She served as a Central Office Administrator for Detroit Public Schools until 2002.  Since that time, she has served as an Academic Advisor and Adjunct Faculty member in the College of Education's Teacher Education Division.  Ms. Schneider is also the program coordinator for our Teacher Certification programs that prepare students to become teachers.  She is very passionate about the past, current, and future state of Education. 


Sabrina Brown, Associate Director of Graduate Programs Enrollment, Belk College of Business, University of North Caroline Charlotte. Sabrina has over ten years of experience in higher education, having worked with both undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of student affairs positions. She currently serves as the Associate Director of Graduate Programs Enrollment for the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. 


Haley Mulka, Admissions, Schoolcraft College. Haley has over ten years of experience in higher education, having worked in admissions, pre-college programming, public and private institutions, and 4-year and community colleges. She currently works in Admissions at Schoolcraft College. 




Event 3: Polarity Management: Leveraging the power of "AND" to promote transformation in times of crisis
Friday, December 9th | 11am noon

Session Presenter: Dr. Monica Brockmeyer | Senior Associate Provost for Student Success

All of us experience conflict at work occasionally, whether internally or with another person. We may experience challenges resulting from job transitions, departmental reorganizations, or ongoing workplace changes. Polarity Management helps us to navigate through times of change and crisis by managing conflict and opposing ideas constructively. Polarity management is a practical skill for dealing with opposing forces by recognizing that those forces are not a problem that can be solved but a tension that must be managed. Often, we can achieve a "best of both worlds" understanding of the situation. In this workshop, we will explore the concept of polarity management and how it can be used to deal with conflict at work. We will also use a framework to practice polarity management skills and to leverage the benefit of both/and thinking to promote personal and institutional growth and transformation. 


Event Goals/Learning Objectives:

  • To develop learn about the elements of polarity management 

  • To learn and apply a five-step process for dealing with polarities through action steps and early warnings 

  • To apply the concept of polarity management to personal or work conflict through polarity mapping


Workshop Resources

Events for the 2021-22 Academic Year

Travel Grant/Travel Wayne Workshop
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021
3 4:30pm
The Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (ASPDC) is pleased to announce we are now accepting applications travel grants for the 2021- 2022 fiscal year. The ASPDC awards approximately $15,000 each year to assist academic staff interested in attending a professional development conference. These grants are for new and seasoned academic staff. 
Wondering how to qualify for these funds? Not sure about whether there funding restrictions or rules on how funds can be used? Feeling overwhelmed about the approval process in general? These are questions that can be answered during our upcoming travel grant workshop. Come find out more about the ASPDC travel grants and gain tips on the submission process from representatives from Travel Wayne during this workshop. 
View the recording for the event here
Download the slides about ASPDC travel grant information here. Download the slides with information about the TravelWayne system here
Virtual Meet & Greet with Provost Kornbluh
Thursday, November 11th
noon 1pm
Join us as we get to know Provost Kornbluh through conversation and Q&A. Do you have a question for the Provost? After registering, you can submit a question via the link in the email confirmation. This event will be hosted virtually. Register to attend today!

ASPDC Events for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

October 7, 2015 - Welcome Back Breakfast, 9 to10:30 a.m. Student     Center Building
  • Updates from Dr. Vander Weg, Associate Provost for Academic Personnel
  • Networking opportunities
  • Announcement of ASPDC events for 2015-2016
  • Breakfast
November 18, 2015 - Detroit Historical Museum tour and lunch from 12:30 to 2 p.m. 
A Historical Perspectives Tour at the Detroit Historical Society located at 5401 Woodward Avenue in Detroit will begin with a lunch at the museum in the Grand Trunk Station lunchroom and will be followed by a docent tour.  Have fun while learning important historical information about Detroit that makes us 'distinctly' Wayne State University. 
December 2, 2015 - ASDPC Annual Winter Networking Event, noon to 1:30 p.m. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Room B.
February 24, 2016 - ASPDC Presentation - Cyber: The New Battleground 
Technology is advancing at a faster pace than anyone can keep up with. Please join us for a presentation from a CIA Cyber security expert and learn about how to safeguard data, your personal information, and staying safe on social media. The presenter will also share recent events from the cyber world.  Event held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the Welcome Center Auditorium.  

February 29, 2016 - ASPDC FORMY Workshop
Workshop conducted by the Wayne State University Marketing and Communication Department to provide information on how to create a simple web form using the self-service form creation tool. 
Event held in State Hall room 431 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch provided. 

March 31, 2016 - Social Work Diversity Lecture, Reception and Panel Discussion on Advancing Racial Justice featuring Dr. John H. Jackson, EdD, JD
Lecture - 1 to 3 pm in the Wayne State University Community Arts Auditorium
Reception and Panel discussion - 3 to 5 p.m. in the Alumni House
Panel Discussion
Moderator:  Marquita Chamblee, Wayne State University Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
Opening Remarks:  Dr. John Jackson, President and CEO of The Schott Foundation for Public Education
Invited Panel Members
  • Leonard Savala, Director, Wayne State University, Office of Multicultural Student Engagement 
  • Mark Jackson, Director, Wayne State University, Apex Scholars
  • Blanche Cook, Wayne State University Law School, Assistant Professor
April 27, 2016 ASPDC Annual Awards Reception, 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the McGregor Memorial Conference Center.  The Annual Awards Reception recognizes the professional achievement and service of WSU Academic Staff.
May 18, 2016 Extension Center Tour, Details TBD
June 1, 2016 ASPDC Annual Picnic, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. McGregor Memorial Conference Center.  This annual event promotes professional development through personal care (relaxation) and interaction with colleagues.  Lunch is provided.
ASPDC Events for the 2014-2015 Academic Year
October 12, 2014 ASPDC, "Get Your Walk On" as you support the efforts of Focus: HOPE!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Focus: HOPE Annual Walk will join together thousands of people in a celebration of the communities that make us one. By uniting on this day, it represents taking a strong stand against racial division, and a renewed commitment to bridge the gap between all people, regardless of their color. Walk with us Sunday October 12 as we continue to fight for a world of respect, justice and opportunity for all people.
Event Location: Focus: HOPE Campus
1400 Oakman Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48238
Phone: (313) 494-5500
Time:  11:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
For additional information, or if you want to bring friends and family members to join us in the walk, please e-mail Gail Evans Hoze at
November 5, 2014 ASPDC Technology Resources Workshop
10 a.m. - 12 noon.  UGL Lab C.
Dr. Robert Berman, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Chief Architect and Programmer of STARS will give academic staff a hands-on workshop on STARS reporting and cohort tracking.  If you are looking for a way to maximize the use of STARS in your day-to-day work, now is your chance to learn from the expert.  The workshop will also include an overview of the Advisor Dashboard.
November 19, 2014 Using Social Media to Enhance Student Success
10 a.m. - 12 noon
This interactive workshop explores the use of social media in higher education to impact student engagement and academic success.  By the end of the workshop, student affairs professionals will have an array of innovative engagement strategies designed to help students survive and thrive.
December 10, 2014 ASDPC Annual Winter Networking Event
12 noon - 1:30 p.m. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Room B
This event is an opportunity for professional development through networking and recognition of the year's successes.
February 26, 2015 Healthy Mind-Healthy Body Workplace Connection
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. UGL Community Room
This workshop will provide information on the impact that diet has on cognitive functioning as well as student and work performance.  A healthy lunch will be provided.
April 29, 2015 ASPDC Annual Awards Reception
12 noon - 1:30 p.m. McGregor Memorial Conference Center
The Annual Awards Reception recognizes the professional achievement and service of WSUAcademic Staff.
The 2015 honorees are Naida Simon, Distinguished Service and Christine Huang, Outstanding Contributor.
May 13, 2015 - Feet on the Street Tour
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  City of Detroit - Various Locations
Participants will take a narrated bus tour designed to give participants a feel for the current positive energy of Detroit development in Midtown and Downtown.  The tour will emphasize economic changes, job creation, population changes and the arts.  Lunch is included.  Participants should arrive around 10:50 a.m. so that the bus may depart promptly at 11 a.m.  The bus will be at 5201 Cass Avenue (in front of the School of business Administration). Questions regarding this event should be directed to Veronica Seatts at
May 20, 2015 Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training
8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.  David Adamany Undergraduate Library Community Room
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training certification course which teaches participants a five-step action plan to assess a situation, select and implement interventions and secure appropriate care for the individual.  The certification program introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, builds understanding of their impact and overviews common treatments. For more information on Mental Health First Aid,

The training will include specific contact related to mental health care on college campuses.  The course uses role plays, scenarios, and activities to aid in understanding the material and its application.

The training will be co-facilitated by certified MHFA trainers:  
Julie Alter-Kay, Ed.S., L.M.S.W. Director, Admissions and Student Services, WSU School of Social Work
Erica H. Wallace, MPH, Program Manager, Grizzlies Response: Awareness & Suicide Prevention (GRASP), Oakland University
Lunch will be provided.  Participants need to make a full-day commitment to the training which will begin promptly at 8:30.  Register for this course via Pipeline.
June 10, 2015 ASPDC Annual Picnic
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. McGregor Memorial Conference Center
This annual event promotes professional development through personal care (relaxation) and interaction with colleagues. Lunch is provided.
ASPDC Events for the 2013-2014 Academic Year
October 2, 2013 Breakfast with Provost Winters
Provost Winters shares the University vision for Academic Staff.  Participants will also have an opportunity to ask questions.
November 6, 2013 PowerPoint Presentations
This workshop is an opportunity for Academic Staff to learn how to create enhanced PowerPoint presentations.
November 20, 2013 STARS
Bob Berman provides an overview of STARS and its recent updates.
December 11, 2014 ASDPC Annual Winter Networking Event
This event is an opportunity for professional development through lunch and networking.
McGregor Conference Center
January 29, 2014 ASPDC Cloud Computing Workshop
This hands-on workshop is an opportunity for Academic Staff to learn about cloud computing resources.
April 10, 2014 ASPDC Presentations with Prezi
Prezi, cloud-based presentation software, opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas  and to lead your audience on a visual journey. The hands on workshop will be led by Shawn McCann, 1:00 3:00 noon in UGL Computer Lab C
April 25, 2014 ASPDC Annual Awards Reception.  The Annual Awards Reception recognizes the professional achievement and service of WSU Academic Staff.  The 2014 recipients are:
Professional Achievement Award: Linda Seatts
Distinguished Service Award: Andrea Harp
Outstanding Contributor Award: Eboni Turnbow
June 5, 2014 Gen Now: Communicating Among Generations, 11:30 am 1:30 pm, Law School Partrich Auditorium.  World-renowned speaker, Lance Richards of Kelly Services will explore ways of communicating, motivating and creating a workplace that brings out the best in each of the various generations in the workplace today.  
June 10, 2014 ASPDC Annual Picnic
The annual picnic allows for professional development through lunch, personal care (relaxation) and interaction with colleagues. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, 11:30 am 1:30 pm